Title: A Little Bit Like Love Author: Brooke Blaine My Rating: 5 stars Received as ARC Wow is such a small word for how great this book was. Jackson and Lucas were two of the most amazing characters I've seen. They both grew up significantly since their high school days whether it be living a carefully constructed life or being known as the sex god of South Haven. They both had their ups and downs that kept me glued to my iPad never wanting to stop reading this amazing book. Jackson and Lucas are met with a lot of chance encounters that bring back memories of their past to the present. Chemistry is one thing these two amazing guys definitely have in spades. Jackson became more stronger as the book progressed and that's something that made me extremely happy just as happy as when Lucas finally opens up . Brooke Blaine didn't let me down with this book it's definitely up on the list of my favorite books. I can't wait for the rest of the books. Do I recomm...
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