Title: Steady Series: A Pleasant Valley Novel Author: Anna Brooks Genre: (Erotic) Romantic Suspense Release Date: July 27, 2017 Erik Anderson is paying for his mistakes and enduring every bit of pain that comes his way. After all, if it weren’t for him, the girl who gave him more than he deserved would still be alive. Even if he were to be put out of his misery, he’d never see her again. Considering angels go to heaven and sinners go to hell, Erik’s going to burn. Polly Madison has never had it easy. She wouldn’t even know what that looked like. Young and naive, she learned the hard way how vindictive some men can truly be. She’s fought her whole life for stability and control, both of which she refuses to give up ever again since she’s older and wiser now. When Polly and Erik run into each other in the most clichéd way possible, it shouldn’t have meant anything. In his arms, Polly felt safer than she ever has before. Lost...
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